About Us
About Arts Council
Life beats down and crushes the soul,and art reminds you that you have one.
-Stella Adler
Art is more than entertainment. Art is the most precious brain trust we have among the many treasures within our families, our cultures, our nation, and our world. Art outlives each of us, and is the purest history of the human spirit—not only what we are, but what we dream of becoming.
Exposure to and lifelong learning in the Arts create healthier individuals and communities, as well as more enriched and fulfilling lives. The Arts Council of Central Louisiana exists to broaden the impact of Art and Culture through serving and supporting those artists and organizations who create the Art that shapes the lives of our friends and neighbors.
At the Arts Council, we truly believe that "Art Changes Everything!" Here are a few of the ways:
Art Changes Learning...
Students who take four years of art or music classes score an average of 103 additional points on their SATs.
- Americans For the Arts, 2006
62 independent research studies find that students involved in the Arts are 71% less likely to drop out of school..
- Stanford University, the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, and
The Arts Education Partnership
Art Changes Health...
45% of American hospitals now include on-site Arts programming for patients and staff.
- State of the Field Report, 2009
"Art-making has both immediate and long-term associations with wellbeing."
-Nicola J Holt; Perspectives in Public Health, 2018
Art Changes the Economy...
The nonprofit Arts and Culture Industry generates $166.2 billion in economic activity every year. In 2006, the Arts created:
- 5.7 million full-time equivalent jobs;
- $104.2 billion in household income;
- $7.9 billion in local government revenues;
- $9.1 billion in state government revenues;
- $12.6 billion in federal revenues.
-Americans For the Arts and the
National League of Cities
In order to reach its goals, the Arts Council provides technical assistance to artists and emerging organizations, arts advocacy leadership, grant opportunities, Performing Arts facilities and office space at non-profit rates, Arts In Education opportunities, professional presentations of the performing arts, and cultural opportunities for underserved populations.
If you are interested in serving your community through the Arts, we encourage you to contact the Arts Council in order to become a volunteer, become an advocate, or make a charitable donation to the Arts Council. Most importantly, we encourage you to patronize the Arts locally!
Want to be a bigger part of Arts Council of Central Louisiana?
For more info, contact the Arts Council at
or by e-mailing us at
Arts Council of Central Louisiana
1101 4th Street, Suite 201
Alexandria, LA 71301